Love Public Welfare Project

Love Public Welfare Project

We have always believed that when God created all things, he used the power of love to care for all living beings in this world. Whether it’s humans or animals, the earth, or the air, they are all beautiful things created by God.

We are a website dedicated to public welfare, and our original intention in founding it was to follow the will of God’s love, to care for people in need, animals in need, and the natural environment that needs to be maintained in every corner of the world with everyone. So, we firmly promise to you, our esteemed and kind customer, that for any item you purchase on this website, we will donate $5 from our Weibo revenue to the following public welfare organizations, and we will update our website from time to time with our authentic donation proof and detailed receipts.

We will be grateful for every loving shopping you make because it is you who make this world full of love and hope!

May God bless you and your family who are so kind and loving!

We will donate to public welfare organizations:

1. United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

2. International Committee of the Red Cross

3. World Vision International – Caring for Children Program

4. World Wide Fund For Nature

Love Public Welfare Project
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Love Public Welfare Project
Every shopping you make on this website is a kind love!!!
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