Mac mini

The reason why the Mac Mini is the best home computer

Whether you are using a Mac for the first time or looking to purchase a Mac, this article will analyze the purchase value of the Mac Mini 2023 computer. As an old user of Mac mini, I will talk about software and hardware, as well as their advantages. Let everyone have a more intuitive understanding of this product.

Mac mini
  1. Mac Mini has a strong practicality: It is the most cost-effective option among Mac computer configurations. The Mac mini, which is equipped with the M-series ARM processor, has no essential difference in design compared to the Mac Mini, which is equipped with Intel processors. It only has a new chip and interface. The low price is the best choice for you to experience a Mac computer. It is excellent in all aspects except for being unable to play online games or single-price games. The computers are more suitable for home use and are commonly used for entertainment, text work, video editing, and light design software. You can do many things with it, and the performance of the computer can be fully utilized. At the same time, it can also play various entertainment games such as chess and cards, so it can fully meet the needs of families. Due to the new game porting tool Game Porting Toolkit, many games will be ported to Mac OS in the future. Mac Mini is suitable for home use, and both the elderly and children can quickly learn how to use it without worrying about computer viruses or lagging issues.
  2. Low maintenance cost for Mac Mini:
    Yes, the Mac Mini has a low failure rate and strong after-sales service. Apple’s Mac OS will also provide long-term system maintenance, not only updating system features but also providing security patches. The powerful iCloud can provide secure cloud services, saving family photos and information, and saving money on NAS storage. There is no problem using a Mac mini as a home computer for more than five years. It is compact, only 19.7 cm x 19.7 cm x 3.58 cm, and weighs only over two pounds. It is noise-free to use, with a variety of interfaces to meet daily needs. Its daily power consumption is only 30W, and under high load conditions, it only has a power of over 100 watts, far lower than traditional home computers.
Mac mini
  1. The powerful performance of Mac Mini:
    The Mac mini computers currently on sale use a powerful M2 ARM processor, with a score of up to 9759 on Geekbench6, which is equivalent to the performance of the Intel i7-13700 processor. In terms of GPU performance, it is equivalent to the AMD 5500 XT graphics card, which is approximately equivalent to the lower power consumption Nvidia GTX 1660 graphics card.
    This performance is an outstanding presence among home computers, after all, the budget of home computers is not large. Compared to home computers, this is already the ceiling. Coupled with a 4k resolution monitor, high-performance and cost-effective home computers have emerged. Some people may say that the basic configuration of 8G+256G is not enough, but after my actual use, this is enough. Home computers are only used for text editing, video editing, searching for information, watching movies, and playing games, not for commercial purposes. For ordinary people, this memory is sufficient. If you think the storage is small, just plug in a portable solid-state drive to meet your daily file storage needs.
  2. Mac Mini has many outstanding highlights:
    It benefits from the features of Mac OS, allowing it to be used without shutting down. Mac mini computers can maintain extremely low-power sleep mode when not in use, and do not close software currently in use on the computer. Software updates are also automatically updated, and memory is intelligently allocated, so there is no need to worry about lagging and compatibility issues. At the same time, Mac computers also support side-loading software (third-party software). In the future, with updates to Mac OS, software from Microsoft can also be ported to Mac computers, so you don’t have to worry about not having software to use. Not only that, the Mac Mini can also be linked with Apple’s family bucket products. For example, the iPhone can serve as the front camera of a Mac computer, the iPad can serve as the secondary screen of a Mac computer, the AirPods headphones can automatically switch to the Mac computer for use, the Apple watch can directly unlock the Mac computer, and they even share a clipboard. Using the Apple family bucket together will greatly improve its efficiency, which enhances the practicality of Mac computers.
Mac mini
  1. Mac mini offers high cost-effectiveness
    Originally, the Mac mini was not cheap. But while this generation of Mac mini uses an M2 processor, its price has decreased significantly. The website price only starts at $999. Yes, you heard it right. We offered a competitive price and bought a high-end home computer, allowing you to experience Apple’s Mac OS. The cost-effectiveness is unparalleled.
    It’s cost-effective to buy a computer with performance similar to Intel’s 13th generation i7 processor and AMD 5500 XT graphics card at such a low price.
    For the above five reasons, I declare that the Mac mini computer is currently the most worthwhile home computer to purchase!

Of course, you can also watch other well-known bloggers’ evaluation videos of MC mini, hoping to be helpful to you and give you a more comprehensive understanding of this product!

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